Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Why did I start a new blog?

Because I have this problem: I have interesting ideas while I'm running, but I have no good way to record them while I'm running and I forget them quickly when I stop.

Running takes a lot of time. I can run 5 or 6 miles now on a good run, but it takes me an hour or more. That's a lot of time to think. I like to listen to podcasts or audio books while I run, but my mind often wanders. Sometimes it wanders into odd places. I think the running is a metaphor for thought and the more I run simply to log the miles, the more I my mind wanders simply to have new thoughts.

Sometimes those thoughts seem interesting at the time, but I forget about them when I get home and need to shower and change and do something more productive. It's like dreaming, but a lot more grounded.

So here is where I will write out my thoughts. This is my running-dream journal, if you will. It's self-indulgent, but hey what blog isn't?

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